I often get asked about my surgery, treatment, and its effects:
Surgical Resection - Awake Craniotomy
The first 2-3 hours I was pretty drugged and do not remember much
The next two hour I was very cognizant of what was going on.
Your head is pinned down to a stretcher, which gave me extreme anxiety
I would equate it to a person with a paper cutter behind you slicing brain tissue.
I rehearsed in my mind to tell Dr.Golby she was an Angel and to remove it all; I said that several times.
The last thirty minutes I remember sobbing uncontrollably.
Once they stitched me up, I remember giving Dr.Golby a huge hug and we were both crying.
A memory I will never forget for the rest of my life.
Woke up in the ICU starving and wanting nicotine so badly (I have since quit smoking)
At one point I remember feeling outside of my body and looking at the raindrops on the window it felt surreal.
3/months of disability
It is important to take a few month if you are newly diagnosed to go through all the motions.
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Finally Acceptance.
It took me about three weeks before I could discuss without breaking down.
Treatment – Temodar
Temozolomide is a pill, and you do not loose your hair.
Bones Ached
Randomly Emotional
White Blood Cell Counts Dropped
Felt Crappy
In the line of chemo, this did not have many side effects.
Worked while taking until the last two weeks, I used disability.
Treatment – Radiation
I had radiation scheduled every day for twenty-five workdays
No pain except the psychological pain of getting your head microwaved.
Took low dose Temodar for forty days
Low dose Temodar had no effect on me.
Radiation sucked because I lost my hair.
A mask molded to your head, so you can't move.
Anxious as hell thinking I would fall off the table and break my neck.
I used CBD/THC during radiation based on studies done on mice.
Made anxiety much worse.
Most are surprised that I worked through both radiation and chemo as an IT Director.
All in all I lived, it sucked, but you just move through it.