Day Before I had my Grad Mal Seizure - Halloween 2015
Funny to Think I had No Idea I had a Brain Tumor When This Picture Was Taken

Next Morning I had my First and Only Seizure

Two Weeks Later - Awake Craniotomy - Brigham & Womens, Dr.Golby

Day Following Surgery

My First Facebook Post After Surgery


The Outpouring of Support on Facebook
I Could Feel The Positive Energy
It Was an Unreal Experience.
Marisa Jarvis to Nick Squires
November 19, 2015 ·
Thinking about you and hoping each day gets better for you.
2Paula Squires and Donna Steele
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Donna Steele
November 18, 2015 ·
Just spoke with my brother Ken Squires,he asked Nick what he wanted to eat, mashed potatoes and soup !! Got to love that kid !! XXOO
1 Share
25Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 23 others
Carol Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
My brother went into and came out of surgery like a champ. The surgeon said he did great and is optimistic for his recovery. Great job Nick Squires. Love you xoxo thank you everyone for the positive thoughts and prayers.
117Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 115 others
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Donna Steele shared Paula Squires's post.
November 18, 2015 ·
Paula Squires
November 18, 2015 · Boston ·
The neurosurgery went as best as it could have. She thinks they were able to take 90% plus since Nick was awake which directed her. We are all very relieved for...
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8Carol Squires, Ken Squires and 6 others
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Bruna Falcao Squires
November 18, 2015 · Boston ·
The neurosurgery went as best as it could have. She thinks they were able to take 90% plus since Nick was awake which directed her. We are all very relieved for now. We will get biopsy results in next week or two. Nickis exhausted and currently resting in the ICU. We are very proud of Nick. He's been very courageous.
I love you so much Nick Squires ❤️
1 Share
175Sarah Elizabeth, Carol Squires and 173 others
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Paula Squires
November 18, 2015 · Boston ·
The neurosurgery went as best as it could have. She thinks they were able to take 90% plus since Nick was awake which directed her. We are all very relieved for now. We will get biopsy results in next week or two. Nickis exhausted and currently resting in the ICU. We are very proud of Nick. He's been very courageous.
42You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 39 others
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Donna Steele with Dani Steele and 2 others.
November 18, 2015 ·
Please keep Nick in your prayers, he is out of surgery..
71Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 69 others
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 18, 2015 ·
ATENCAO - NOTICIA DE NICK SQUIRES- Eu devo dar essa noticia a todos voces que rezaram por NICK e que estou feliz sabendo que a cirurgia foi sucesso e que ele colaborou demais nas orientacoes dos medicos falando o tempo todo e que ele agora irah para a UTI, afim de um descanso. A medica falou que foi tirado um pouco mais de 90% do tumor e que depois ele irah descansar, sem poder ver televisao e sem poder falar muito. Eu agradeco ao meu querido SR JESUS CRISTO, pelas as minhas Oracoes e pelas de todos voces. AMEM
See Translation
1 Share
17Bruna Falcao Squires, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 15 others
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Sheena Quinlan added a new photo to Nick Squires's timeline — with Megan Benway Bongarzone and Nick Squires.
November 18, 2015 · McAllen, TX ·
cuddle puddle!
13Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 11 others
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Sheena Quinlan added a new photo to Nick Squires's timeline — with Jacqui Savage and 3 others.
November 18, 2015 · McAllen, TX ·
Sending lots of love to Nick and the gang today!!
23You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 20 others
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Erika Simmons Gold with Rob Simmons and 4 others.
November 18, 2015 · Braintree ·
Sending prayers your way Nick Squires and throw back picture to make you smile!
28Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 26 others
Kristina Gerrior added a new photo to Nick Squires's timeline — with Brian Gerrior and Nick Squires.
November 18, 2015 ·
Heres something to cheer you up! Get well soon you pretty princess!
29You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 26 others
Joey Flip to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Hey bud, God speed today! Your in my thoughts and prayers. Love ya man!
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Kirsten Wolff-Boelen
November 18, 2015 ·
"my green ball for protection" especially for my au pair child Nick Squires. Having the same operation today as my mom did 14 years ago. Dear NickI wish you all the strength in the world to recover real soon. Also good luck to Paula Squires Bruna Falcao Squires Ken Squires Chris Squires CarolSquires Lien Caroline Woodin Jacqui Savage you're all in my thoughts.
15Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 13 others
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Sandra Chwaliszewski to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 · Hanover ·
Good luck today nick, sending positive vibes your way :)
Gunnar Munnick to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Thinking about you bud, praying that today goes well, see you soon cuzo!
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Mary Franke to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
I have you permanently imprinted as a 14 year old little brother to me :)I'm thinking of you and sending you endless good thoughts today!
3Paula Squires, Sheena Quinlan and Monica Hayden-Joyce
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Kaete Setterland to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
All my thoughts all my prayers and all my love is with you and ur family xo ❤️
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Monica Hayden-Joyce with Nick Squires.
November 18, 2015 ·
Thinking of this great guy today while he has brain surgery. We are all wishing you the best and hoping for a speedy recovery. Love you so much! Thank you for always putting a smile on my face! <3
22Bruna Falcao Squires, Carol Squires and 20 others
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Megan Benway Bongarzone with Nick Squires.
November 18, 2015 ·
Here's to a speedy recovery! Lots more good times to be had my friend xo
40Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 38 others
Marianne Merlis to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
good luck nick!
Jamie Norton Cherenson to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 · Newton ·
Thinking about you and your family today. Prayers coming your way.
Chris Lynch to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Nick, all of us will be thinking of you. Wishing you a healthy recovery.
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Jared Henderson to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Good luck nick
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Kirsten Wolff-Boelen to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 · Winkel, Netherlands ·
Good luck today Nick. Also on the recovery. You can do it! Xxx
1Paula Squires
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Jennifer Lynn
November 18, 2015 · Norwood ·
Please send your prayers and positive vibes to Nick Squires today as he goes in for surgery 💜
30Jacqui Savage, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 28 others
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Laura Falcao Sweeney with Bruna Falcao Squires and Nick Squires.
November 18, 2015 · Boston ·
Gente, hoje eh o dia da operacao de Nick, que alias ja deve estar comecando. Por favor, mandem suas oracoes e pensamentos positivos para que tudo saia bem com ele. A operacao vai durar umas 8 horas aproximadamente. De acordo com os ultimos exames (MRI) so sera possivel remover 70% do tumor. E os outros 30% vai depender do resultado da biopsia (que indicara o tratamento adequado).
Nick is going into surgery right about now. His surgery will be a whole day ordeal, until approximately 5pm. Please send all your prayers and positive vibes once again.
Obrigada/Thank you.
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48Bruna Falcao Squires, Rafael Falcão and 46 others
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Marisa Jarvis to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Thinking about you today Nick Squires.
3Laura Falcao Sweeney, Paula Squires and Donna Steele
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Patrick J O'Connor to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Catch you on the flip side Donny, good luck today, I'll see you soon
2Laura Falcao Sweeney and Paula Squires
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Lien Caroline Woodin
November 18, 2015 ·
Please pray for Nick Squires as he prepares for surgery on his brain tumor this morning. Please pray for healing, for protection in his speech center, for peace within. Please pray for comfort and strength and his wife and parents. Thank you everyone!
67Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 65 others
Don Fardie to Nick Squires
November 18, 2015 ·
Be thinking of ya and pulling for ya all day. Thoughts and prayers kiddo
4Laura Falcao Sweeney, Donna Steele and 2 others
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Ken Squires shared your post.
November 18, 2015 ·
Nick Squires at The Computer Merchant, Ltd..
October 30, 2015 · Norwell ·
Not sure if I'm Aladdin or that guy from Captain Philips...
1 Comment
7Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 5 others
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Michelle Loughlin to Nick Squires
November 17, 2015 ·
We are all hoping and praying everything goes well for you nick♡♡ sending love your way!
2Laura Falcao Sweeney and Tom Lane
Megan Benway Bongarzone shared Jacqui Savage's post.
November 17, 2015 ·
Prayers and positive vibes for Nick please! 🙏🏼❤️
Jacqui Savage
November 17, 2015 · Portland, ME ·
I know not everyone believes in the power of prayer but I do and I am asking for all of my friends and family to say a prayer tonight for Nick Squires as he wil...
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1 Comment
12Bruna Falcao Squires, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 10 other
Carol Squires
November 17, 2015 ·
Please provide Nick Squires with your positive vibes tomorrow. I know he will do great in surgery but can always use the love and support. Love you brother! Xoxo
78You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Rafael Falcão and 75 others
Jacqui Savage
November 17, 2015 · Portland, ME ·
I know not everyone believes in the power of prayer but I do and I am asking for all of my friends and family to say a prayer tonight for Nick Squires as he will be in surgery all day tomorrow. Love you Nick, ill be thinking about you all day and down to see you when you are recovering!!! 💜 #powerofprayer
102You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 99 others
Donna Steele to Nick Squires
November 17, 2015 ·
Nick, you have soooo much love with you !
6Lisa Duling Madore, Paula Squires and 4 others
Sandy Mendes Fardie to Nick Squires
November 17, 2015 ·
— with Bruna Falcao Squires and 4 others.
1 Comment
7You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Carol Squires and 4 others
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 17, 2015 ·
Amanha eh o dia da operacao de NICK SQUIRES Equ desejo em nome de JESUS CRISTO, que tudo ocorra bem e que ele nao sofra, para continuar as suas atividades no trabalho e, ao lado da minha neta Bruna. NICK voce eh um guerreiro, lembre-se disso e Nosso Senhor vai estah ao seu lado durante a operacao e depois no restabelecimento. Um beijo de quem muito lhe admira
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14You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 11 others
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 11, 2015 · Recife, PE, Brazil ·
NICK SQUIRES - Hoje eh dia de Nick fazer exames para a operacao do dia 18. Amanha tambem estarah fazendo outros exames. E que de tudo certo e JESUS esteja ao seu lado nessas horas. Vamos rezar mais uma vez.
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15Jacqui Savage, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 13 other
Megan Benway Bongarzone was feeling thankful with Jacqui Savage and 3 others.
November 7, 2015 ·
It's a beautiful thing when you can see old friends and it's like no time has passed 😊
1 Comment
22You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 19 others
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Nick Squires to Cory Taylor-Wheeler
November 7, 2015 ·
Belated Happy Birthdy, hope you had fun x
Lisa Duling Madore shared your post.
November 6, 2015 ·
Nick, thank you for your heartfelt update! Please know that you have many ppl praying and routing for you!!! During worship last night, Maisy insisted that we lift you and Bruna up. There were so many needs we didn't have a chance to share yours and she was so concerned... I put her at ease by letting her know that many in the congregation are already praying for you;). Be encouraged Brother!!! You are loved!!!
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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9You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 6 others
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Jacqui Savage shared your post to the group: Standish Congregational Church, UCC.
November 6, 2015 ·
Thank you for continued prayers for my brother 💜
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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4Carol Squires and 3 others
Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 6, 2015 · Recife, PE, Brazil ·
Mais um aviso sobre NICK SQUIRES - Ele farah exames nos dias 11 e 12 de novembro, para fazer a operacao, no dia 18 proximo. Ele estah impaciente e nao ver a hora de se livrar disso Estou confiante em DEUS e a minha NOSSA SENHORA SANTA EDWIRGE que recebo milagres. ELA me atenderah. E JESUS tem PODER.
See Translation
6Daniella Poeta Mira, Raquel Helena Araujo Marinho Falcão and 4 others
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Ken Squires shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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1 Comment
4Paul Lantz, Kirsten Wolff-Boelen and 2 others
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Roger Lothrop to Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
Well wishes bud!
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 5, 2015 · Recife, PE, Brazil ·
NOTICIA DE NICK SQUIRES Laurinha telefonou dando noticias de NICK para toda a familia e amigos.NICK talvez se opere daqui ha duas semanas. A medica cirurgia avisa que o tumor eh grande e que a operacao vai durar o dia todo. Ela tambem diz que estah acostumada a fazer esse tipo de operacao e que ele eh jovem e aguentarah sem transtornos. Reclamou por ele passar tantos dias no Hospital, ao inves de ter resolvido logo a operacao . Ele so poderah trabalhar daqui ha seis meses. Enquanto isso, Bruna vai continuar os seus estudos, pois nao poderah mais faltar as aulas . Vamos pedir a DEUS e a minha SANTA EDWIRGEM para tudo se realizar sem sofrimentos e que o meu querido NICK volte ao normal e possa concretizar os seus sonhos junto a Bruna. JESUS TEM PODER
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9Laura Falcao Sweeney, Rosangela Lantz and 7 others
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Donna Steele shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Please keep my nephew Nick in your prayers.
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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2Sandy Mendes Fardie and Dani Steele
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Laura Falcao Sweeney shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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2Christianni Falcão and Andréa Brelaz
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Carol Squires shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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4Christianni Falcão, Kirsten Wolff-Boelen and 2 others
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Jacqui Savage shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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4Megan Benway Bongarzone, Christianni Falcão and 2 others
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Paula Squires shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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Bruna Falcao Squires shared your post.
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
First and foremost I want to Thank everyone for the outpouring of support regarding my recent brain tumor diagnosis (seriously WTF?). Many of you have told me ...
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8Christianni Falcão, Leslie Efron and 6 others
Ann Lane to Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 ·
Nick, i love ya kid. Xoxo. My Positive thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.
10You, Jacqui Savage, Carol Squires and 7 others
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Rachael Dos Santos to Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 · Marshfield ·
Sending lots of love and prayers your wayNick.
3You, Ken Squires and Ed Petit
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Tracey Bartholomew to Nick Squires
November 5, 2015 · Middleboro ·
Hey nick sending lots of love your're in my thoughts and prayers
1Nick Squires
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Bob Simmons to Nick Squires
November 4, 2015 · Braintree ·
We love you Nick. Chicken Wings whenever you wish. No 🍺yet. The Simmons'.
1Nick Squires
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Brownie Man to Nick Squires
November 4, 2015 ·
When your all heeled up from ya surgery I'll bring ya some brownie homemade chicken wings buddy
4You, Jacqui Savage, Donna Steele and Tom Lane
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Jennifer Lynn to Nick Squires
November 4, 2015 ·
Sending my prayers and love your way Nickolaasssssss. <3
4You, Jacqui Savage, Ken Squires and Donna Steele
Krystal Purcell to Nick Squires
November 4, 2015 ·
Sending you lots of love and healing prayers!!!
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Sandy Mendes Fardie to Nick Squires
November 4, 2015 ·
Nick - XXOO!!!!
2Jacqui Savage and Donna Steele
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 4, 2015 · Recife, PE, Brazil ·
NICK SQUIRES e BRUNA , tambem estamos rezando para que voce se restabeleca e volte as suas atividades. Voce que eh um amor de criatura, amavel, carinhoso e que DEUS nao ha de permitir que voce sofra. Voce merece tudo de bom ao lado da minha neta Bruna . Quando voce esteve ha pouco tempo aqui no Brasil, voce passou para a familia e nossos amigos, que eh um rapaz maravilhoso e todos lhe amaram. Estamos numa corrente de oracoes e voce logo, logo, voltarah ao normal. Um beijo
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8Laura Falcao Sweeney, Rosangela Lantz and 6 others
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Brittany Picard to Paula Squires
November 4, 2015 · Ludlow ·
Paula, I'm so sorry to hear about Nick. Sending love and prayers to you and the family.
2Paula Squires and 1 other
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Jennifer Lynn with Nick Squires.
December 4, 2015 ·
Looks right up your alley.. Im guessing we will listen to it prolly 20 times at your next house pahty :)
A DJ Mashed Up The 50 Biggest Songs Of 2015 And It's Outrageously Catchy
1 Share
2You and Donna Steele
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Jacqui Savage shared Vacation Movie's photo — with Bruna Falcao Squires and 6 others.
December 3, 2015 ·
It's almost time to watch this!
20You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Carol Squires and 17 others
Nick Squires
December 1, 2015 ·
Cheers for the Birthdy wishes peoples!
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 30, 2015 ·
NOTICIA DE NICK SQUIRES - Mais uma vez, com alegria, quero comunicar a toda a familia e amigos que rezaram pela convalescencia deNICK SQUIRES, que o resultado da BIOPSIA, e, ao retirar os pontos da operacao, foi muito bom, e que deu BENIGNO, portanto, ele agora so tem que tomar as medicacoes, que no dia 11, o outro medico vai passar.
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16Bruna Falcao Squires, Christianni Falcão and 14 others
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 28, 2015 ·
NICK SQUIRES ORACAO para voce se proteger dia 30 de novembro, ao retirar os seus pontos. Desejo que tudo realize sem dores e que voce volte a ser aquela pessoa alegre e maravilhosa. ORACAO A SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, que sois mais forte que as torres das fortalezas, e a violencia dos furacoes, fazei que os raio...
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See Translation
6Bruna Falcao Squires, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 4 others
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Ken Squires shared your post.
November 27, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 26, 2015 ·
Lots to be thankful for... What a great life with a new found perspective. Friends & family. Numero uno is having this removed, Thank You God.
8You, Donna Steele, Sandy Mendes Fardie and 5 others
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David Squires with Chris Squires and 5 others.
November 26, 2015 · Kingston ·
Turkey dinner after a cheers to Nick
100You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Jacqui Savage and 97 others
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Susan Ellen Carter with Bruna Falcao Squires and 3 others.
November 26, 2015 · London, United Kingdom ·
For Peter Evers Janice Deal Nick Squires and Bruna Falcao Squires
5You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Dean M. Julian II and 2 others
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Jacqui Savage shared Megan Benway Bongarzone's photo — with Bruna Falcao Squires and 9 others.
November 25, 2015 ·
Wow check this one out.
8You, Bruna Falcao Squires, Carol Squires and 5 others
Marisa Jarvis to Nick Squires
November 25, 2015 ·
Nick Squires hope you're feeling better and stronger as each day passes. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
1Donna Steele
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Megan Benway Bongarzone shared her photo — with Jacqui Savage and 3 others.
November 25, 2015 ·
The Squires family!!
12You, Ken Squires, Sheena Quinlan and 9 others
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Joseph Velardi to Nick Squires
November 22, 2015 ·
Keeping you in my thoughts, brother. You're a champion - don't forget it!
2You and Marisa Jarvis
Billy Single to Nick Squires
November 21, 2015 ·
Hope your doing well don't no what to say can't wait to see you. Coors light on me. Love your smile
7Jacqui Savage, Carol Squires and 5 others
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Lisa Duling Madore shared your post.
November 20, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 20, 2015 ·
Little scars will heal.
Seriously I have the best friends and family in this world.
Patty Squires
November 20, 2015 ·
Gets some rest Nick. and Bruna, Ken and Paula. xoxo
8Bruna Falcao Squires, Paula Squires and 6 others
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Donna Steele shared a post.
November 20, 2015 ·
Thank you for all the love and prayers, My nephew Nick Squires, is home !!!!
Jacqui Savage with Bruna Falcao Squires and 2 others at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
November 20, 2015 · Instagram ·
He's going home ❤️ my sincerest thanks for thoughts,prayers and support.
1 Comment
10Carol Squires, Ken Squires and 8 others
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Bruna Falcao Squires shared your post.
November 20, 2015 ·
Nick Squires
November 20, 2015 ·
Little scars will heal.
Seriously I have the best friends and family in this world.
1 Comment
16Raquel Falcão, Carol Squires and 14 others
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Jacqui Savage with Bruna Falcao Squires and 2 others at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
November 20, 2015 · Boston ·
He's going home ❤️ my sincerest thanks for thoughts,prayers and support.
1 Share
150Bruna Falcao Squires, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 148 others
Bruna Falcao Squires added a new photo — with PaulaSquires and 2 others.
November 19, 2015 · Boston ·
42You, Jacqui Savage, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 39 others
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Bruna Falcao Squires added a new photo — with Nick Squires.
November 19, 2015 · Boston ·
30Laura Falcao Sweeney, Carol Squires and 28 others
Bruna Falcao Squires added a new photo — with Nick Squires.
November 19, 2015 · Boston ·
19Laura Falcao Sweeney, Carol Squires and 17 others
Donna Steele shared Bruna Falcao Squires's post.
November 19, 2015 ·
The power of love and prayer !!! Nick Squires, you never look so good !!! Love you so much !!! Love you too Bruna, thanks for taking such good care of Nick !!
Bruna Falcao Squires with Nick Squires.
November 19, 2015 · Boston ·
Nick is doing amazing! He's talking, eating, smiling, walking around... Please keep praying for him ❤️
9Michelle Loughlin, Larry Erickson and 7 others
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Edilza Do Amaral Falcão
November 19, 2015 ·
RECUPERACAO DE NICK SQUIRES A operacao de NICK SQUIRES foi um sucesso, mas a medica diz que as pessoas teem que rezar muito, para ele se recuperar, porque agora eh que estah o perigo. Confio em DEUS e nas pessoas queridas que rezaram demais, para acontecer esse sucesso. Sem DEUS, eh impossivel o restabelecimento.
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1 Comment
3Rosangela Lantz and 2 others
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Laura Falcao Sweeney shared Bruna Falcao Squires's post.
November 19, 2015 ·
Gente, a operacao de Nick ontem foi um sucesso. Os medicos conseguiram retirar mais de 90% do tumor dele (bem melhor que antes, quando eles falaram que so iriam conseguir retirar 70%). Ele ficar no Hospital mais alguns dias e podera ir pra casa no final de semana. O resultado da biopsia vai levar umas duas semanas pra sair. A medica pediu que todos se concentrassem na recuperacao pos-operatoria dele por enquanto, que eh o mais importante agora nesse momento. Agradecemos as preces, os pensamentos positivos e o amor de todos!
= Nick's surgery was very successful, the doctors were able to remove over 90% of his tumor (which is way better than the original 70% they discussed). Nick will be able to go home soon. Thank you for all the prayers and love!
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Sheena Quinlan to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 · McAllen, TX ·
Hey Nick! Love u to pieces. Sad to hear u have an obstacle in ur way but I know you know u got this and u have a whole army of people here to help, support and lift you up. #gravynation
1 Comment
6You, Jacqui Savage, Lisa Duling Madore and 3 others
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Lynda Healy Brunet to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 ·
Thinking of you Nick! Sending positive vibes!
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Donna Steele to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 ·
Love you Nick !!! You know i'm thinking of you !! xxoo
2Jacqui Savage and Bri Squi
Michael Allen to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 ·
Stay strong Nick! Thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.
1Jacqui Savage
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Lisa Duling Madore shared Carol Squires's post.
November 3, 2015 ·
Thanks for the update Carol. We are thinking of you all!!! Ox.
To all you prayer warriors, my cousin Nick & wife Bruna need our immediate & continuous prayer. He's 31 and has so much ahead.
Carol Squires with Bruna Falcao Squires and 8 others.
November 3, 2015 ·
My brother Nick Squires has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. He will have surgery in the next week or two to remove it. Please keep Nick in your thoughts and prayers. We all love you brother xoxo
8You, Jacqui Savage, Laura Falcao Sweeney and 5 others
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Lisa Duling Madore to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 ·
Thinking of you lots Nick!!! Love & prayer!!!
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Liz O'Neill to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 ·
Keep your head up Nick. We are all thinking of you and sending lots of love your way!
Jamie Norton Cherenson to Nick Squires
November 3, 2015 · East Bridgewater ·
Sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery..
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Carol Squires with Bruna Falcao Squires and 8 others.
November 3, 2015 ·
My brother Nick Squires has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. He will have surgery in the next week or two to remove it. Please keep Nick in your thoughts and prayers. We all love you brother xoxo
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80Lisa Duling Madore, Lisa Marie Romano and 78 others
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Bob Simmons to Nick Squires
November 2, 2015 · Braintree ·
Sending our love and prayers for a speedy recovery Nick. We love you Bob and Rose. 🙏